30 minutes + Pre-work | Serves 3
BBQ Tofu & Rice
BBQ Tofu & Rice
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- Two and a half hours before serving, drain tofu and cut tofu into cubes
- Place back in tofu tub and place in freezer
- Mix sauce in medium-large metal bowl
- 2 tablespoons ketchup
- 1 tablespoon sriracha
- 4 tablespoons bbq sauce
- few drops of liquid smoke
- Heat oven to 400 on convection
- Start 1 cup of rice
- Line a baking sheet with partment paper
- Spread out tofu on partchment paper
- Use silicon brush to add a good glob of sauce on each tofu
- Bake 10 minutes and flip
- Resauce and sprinkle with sesame seads
- Bake additional 20 minutes
- Serve rice with some soy sauce and extra sauce over tofus
Grocery List
- Extra-firm tofu
- Barbecue sauce
- Jasmine rice
- Soy Sauce
- Ketchup
- Sesame Seeds
30 minutes + Pre-work | Serves 3 | Copy Grocery List | View All Recipes